2025 Leagues
Men’s Schedule
Wednesday Afternoon
Tee times starting at 3:30
Teams of 4 +
Format Scramble
Grab a group of friends or family and bring your own teams
Or inquire about individual openings
A relaxing stress free midweek team golf league, scramble format allows for all skill levels and ensures a faster 9 hole play time (under 2 hours)
Team tee times still available
Thursday Afternoon
Tee times starting at 3:00pm
Groups of 4+
Individual Points Play (USGA Handicap required)
Start your own team and assure the same tee time each week
Competitive play, points adjusted weekly for winners
Inquire for additional rules
Limited space available
Friday Evening Mixed/Duo Scramble: Starting June 2nd
$5 fee + greens fees
Weekly Prizes!
Coed teams of two will play in groups of 4 (2 teams)
Scramble format
Sign up by Wednesday the week of by 3:00 pm
Sign up as a single and pro shop will pair you up
Weekly food & Drink specials available in Clubhouse Restaurant following golf !
10% Discount on food for event players following golf
Contact pro shop for more details!
Women’s Schedule
Monday Afternoon
Approximately 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Email your info to clubhouse@kelleygreensgolf.com
Limited space available
Tuesday Afternoon
Approximately 1:00pm - 4:30pm
Email your info to clubhouse@kelleygreensgolf.com
Limited space available

Kelley Greens Inner-Club
Inner-Club Schedules
Saturday Morning
Tee times beginning at 7:00am
Individual Points Format
Sunday Morning
Tee times and occasional shotgun events beginning at 8:00am
Various team play events and tournaments
2025 Inner Club Dues:
30 - 70 Years Old - $35
29 and Younger - $25
71 and Older - $25
*Dues separate from USGA Mass Golf Handicap / GHIN
*Greens fees and carts sold separately
Email: clubhouse@kelleygreensgolf.com with any questions